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(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday

What's in your freezer?


ocean mommy said…
That is so funny!!
Bea said…
Hehe. I just posted a pic of my freezer a few days ago. Yours looks much healthier than mine.
Kate said…

I saw your freezer and was a little jealous. Only one measly box of mint chocolate chip here.

That is hysterical!
Jennifer R.
Kathy said…
Pretty funny. We used to have a snowball (for use in July) and a piece of hail (to show Grandma) but last week I discovered several sunflower seeds embedded in the ice... because they looked like Lord of the Rings figures and because frozen sunflower seeds taste good. Your freezer is so nice and defrosted! I'm impressed. Be sure to check out my site. It's your turn!
Kate said…

The Lord of the Rings, huh? My son (the one who created this -80 degree sauna) would love to see that. In fact, he wants to know which Lord of the Rings figures.

Meg said…
Love that! Brrrr! The kids must be ready for cooler weather! Meg
I love the photo!

Alyson said…
too funny. I love kids imaginations. I have a picture of a bunch of plastic princess dresses with crayon heads.
I read you all the time and I'm inspired
Anonymous said…
Kate, LOL - my son has entirely too vivid an imagination. Maybe sunflower seeds look like hobbits? Frodoflower seeds, Pippinflower seeds... BTW, your son might like to know that we are doing a year-long unit study on Lord of the Rings. I'll let you know if we overdose on orcs and elves before the year is up!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
That is so great! I loved it. I love the random things like this I find all over the house.
Anonymous said…
This is too cute!

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