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Monkey Monday

This is Fuzzy. He is a good little monkey. Except when you squeeze his belly. Then he screams like a girl. On Monday morning, when Mama was in a fog, the children entertained themselves by styling monkey makeovers.

Samurai Fuzzy

Yeti Fuzzy

Mohawk Fuzzy

Mowhawk Side View

Electrified Fuzzy

The Crew

What do your kids do when you can't keep it all together?


Meg said…
Hi Kate! Monkey is cute! Just glad they did not entertain themselves by continuously making him scream like a girl! Your kids are adorable! My girls love to watch Hannah Montana and play Barbies. They also take a lot of digital pictures of their Barbies in different outfits for a fashion magazine. Kids are very creative.
Kathy said…
This is way too cute! Kids are so clever and creative. My kids stage epic battle scenes on the dirt pile out back and launch dirt clods at each other. We're haven't fully domesticated them yet..... but we're trying! LOL Thanks for sharing these photos. Your kids are wonderful!
Amy said…
Thanks for the pics...Especially the last one...I LOVE those children! Kiss their cheeks!

God's girl said…
They grow so fast! How precious!
My girls act out their favorite movies or coloring and drawing.
Much love!
Janelle said…
I must need more kids because my two just seem to live for the torment they can cause each other. Can I borrow some of yours?

Very cute and funny morning!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
That is so cute - great way to pass some time. Also fits with the Monkey Books theme form the bible. Thanks for the Sumballo link - I'll enjoy those posts on my own journey in the bible. Glad I stopped by - answered my Q's about the ages of your kids! I'll be back :)
Faith said…
Hilarious! What a fun bunch!

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