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There was music as I drifted between sleep and wake, distant notes. The room was dark and the covers offered the perfect weight. I snuggled down deeper into them and Stuart scooted across the great divide of the king-sized bed to pull me close. Sleep claimed us until the notes interrupted again.

Stuart stirred. "Hon, it's time. It's time to get up and get ready for church. Hon?"

"Uh-uh. I don't want to get up."

"Do you want to sleep in and go to Sunday School?"


Stuart hit the snooze button and we slept, warm and cozy, for another little while.

The moment of reckoning could not be delayed forever and I wrestled my way from under the covers in search of the shower and a cup of coffee.

A fog of sleepiness still laid claim to my brain in Sunday school.

"We didn't see ya'll in the first service."

"I know. " Stuart replied. " We had a long day yesterday so we slept in. We'll be at the second service."

We will? You only mentioned Sunday School; you didn't say anything about church. I just want to go home and climb back in bed.

But there we were, all in a row, singing old hymns and listening to words on doubt and faith. The last bits of fog drifted away, and in that moment, I discovered that this was right where I wanted to be.

**Visit Christine at Fruit in Season for her perspective on the valleys that are part of marriage and to view other participants responses to the marriage challenge.


Janelle said…
I love it. Everytime I step into our church, I am blessed. I am feeling really guilty for sleeping in today. I thought the extra sleep would be a bonus, but I missed being filled with Living Water. That is what I needed more today.
Christi said…
Love reading your posts every week!

Praying that the Lord continues to bless your marriage!
Christine said…
I love your posts. They are real and give glimpses of your life as they are with no pretense. Thanks for participating in this challenge!

If you want the button from my blog, right-click on it and save it into your computer. Then use bloggers add a picture option to upload it.
I like your blog and posts so much. They really are sweet and bless me. Thank you for your visit it meant a lot to me. May the Lord continue to bless your marriage this week and always.

In his endless love,

Angel ():)
Terri said…
I can totally relate to your post. And it painted such a real picture.
God's girl said…
What a sweet post! Although you got to sleep in longer, you still stayed at church longer! :) Is it the same one or a different one? I guess that is part of the marital compromise huh? Ha! Thanks for your sweet comment on my site.
Love you!
Alida Sharp said…
May God continually bless you and your husband!

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