Sit with me, here in the dark, in the peaceful dark of my living room. Sink down into the sofa beside the fireplace.
Here. A blanket to throw over your lap and tuck under your feet.
Let the chaos and the busy-ness of the early evening hours fade.
Feel the the warmth of the cocoa mug in your hands. Sip slowly. Savor this moment.
Be still.
Madre, Now I know why you enjoyed sitting in the dark with the tree lights on at night. It's so peaceful after the kids are in bed. I stay up way too late.
Did you quill the snowflake ornaments? They are beautiful. I've never done any quilling myself, but have always wanted to try it.
Will you be posting a snowflake-making tutorial?! I hope so! Those are stunning!
And I am totally relaxed by this post. :)
Tell everyone I said Hi!
Did you make those snowflakes? Can you teach me how when you come?
Yes. I'll bring my quilling supplies.
I will write a quilling post sometime this week.
Going to go make some hot chocolate now. ;)