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Yesterday, Charlie got a letter in the mail. The Christmas activity we were working on came to a screeching halt. Letters for four year olds are not a common occurance here. "For me? A letter for me? Look! A letter for me! I got a letter!" When Charlie was done waving his letter around, he opened it.

He pulled out a sheet of stickers. "Ooh stickers! What is this animal?!"

"Move it back a little, Charlie so I can uncross my eyes."

He did and we identified animals from the African plain. "Mama, do you want a sticker?"


"Which one?"

"I don't care. Which one do you want to give me?"

Charlie smacked a elephant onto my chest and decorated himself with a monkey. But wait! There was more in the envelope. A note and a dollar. A whole dollar.

"Do you want me to read this note to you?"

"I got a dollar! I got this dollar! Is it store day? Can we go to the store right now?! (insert much dancing and waving)

"No. Store day is not for two more days."


"Do you want me to read the letter? It's from Grandma Pugga."

So we read the letter and Charlie was so overwhelmed by his grandma's generosity that he found a narrow scrap of paper and wrote a letter of his own in response. His first letter. He worked through a good part of dinner and smeared a little steak sauce on his work and when he was finished it looked like this.

Anybody want to whip out their secret decoder ring and make sense of what he wrote? (It is readable. I promise.)


tammi said…
Awww, what a wonderful little thank you note! I'm so impressed that he could put that on paper at his age!! (Hats off to YOU, homeschoolin' mama!)
Anonymous said…
I've got one that writes in the same code. Do I get a dollar for being able to read it? :)
Kate said…
Sure. But I don't think you'll be able to pry it away from Charlie!

Having a four year old enables me to read this ring necessary! I love it!! He writes very well for his age. Gracie can barely get her name on paper.

Luke Holzmann said…
...I figured it all out (though the "bER" gave me some trouble [smile]).

That's darling.

40winkzzz said…
It all made perfect sense the second time I read through it.

Should we be worried about the "beer Grandma" part? Or does the YOGA sort of cancel out any ill effects from the beer?

It doesn't take much to win the heart of a small child, does it? Such a little thing can mean oh so much. Charlie's very first letter-- what a huge reward Grandma gets for her effort. Don't forget to make a copy of it before you send it!
Sarah said…
Hi Kate, I just read your blog when I got online to see how Mom interpreted the notes to Santa on MY blog. How funny that we wrote along similar lines without even knowing it. Charlie is a lot closer on his spelling than my Charlie!

God's girl said…
Oh girl that is some good coding! We got that going on here as well. Love it!

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