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Troll Water

It rained today. Heavy, crashing buckets of rain dumped down all morning and most of the afternoon. Sometimes when we have a short burst of rain in the late afternoon, Charlie dashes out and stands under the gutter and gets soaked to the skin. Then he runs sopping through the length of the house to dump his wet clothes in a heap on the floor in front of the washing machine. He had work to do this morning, so he couldn't escape, and by the afternoon, the backyard had a swift stream flowing through it.

"Can I go out, Mama? Can I go out and play in the rain?"

"No, honey. The backyard is a muddy swamp and I just don't feel like dealing with the mess today."

"Please, Mama. There's troll water out there."

I wonder where Charlie came up with troll water. Does he imagine a malicious fairytale character lurking beneath the murky stream or did troll water come to mind because his mean troll mama won't let him out for a terrific round of puddle stomping?

Poor Charlie.


Melissa said…
I'm also one of those mean mommas!

What an imagination Charlie has.
Maren said…
I'm always enchanted by the funny things kids say! I love to hear them talk about their lives. It's one of those little rewards.
Sarah said…
These pictures look like my kids in rainy western Oregon when I tell them they absolutely are not going out in the pouring rain (for the 100th day in a row). I wonder what troll water is...I like the sound of it.

Troll water is the best kind, don't ya know? ;-)
Still impressed with the clever simplicity of Charlie's curtains!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
I am laughing because I was going to comment about the curtains Jennifer. They still impress me - love them!

Look at that puddle...makes me think of a Henry and Mudge book when they find a huge puddle like that. not so sure a troll is involved in the book...

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