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We Interrupt this Program...

It's been quiet here on this blog. Boring even. I want to write but not about chores and laundry. I want the ideas to flow freely from my brain to my fingertips but they will not come. There is an inky blackness. An overwhelming lack of creativity and coherent thought. God is teaching me in this. All that is good here in this space comes from Him. He is the generator of my ideas. He puts my words together. Now He chooses to be quiet and so must I. When I hear His still, small voice once again, I will be back.


tammi said…
Looking forward to it!
PS 46:10 ... Don't feel pressured - write when you have inspiration. Blessings.
God's girl said…
That is me too! I love that Kate. I cannot wait Until He gives you more. I am posting a meme on my blog so that is an option if you like! :)

You bless you so. Thanks for your example and obedience to God.
Much love,
L.L. Barkat said…
This reminds me of Charity's wonderful recent post about her season of wordlessness.

Sometimes it's good to stop talking.
Alana said…
I understand this well. It is okay to be silent and wait!
Kate said…

You're right. Charity's thoughts on this subject are very good.

ocean mommy said…
Praying for you! Looking forward to reading what God types through your fingers!

Susan said…
I've been experiencing it as well and I have to tell has encouraged me to seek Him more and to seek more deeply and it. has. been. amazing.

Miss you, though!
lori said…
You are wise, in the 'stillness' we hear the voice...
I understand...and completely agree, all that I write comes from encourage and bless..
Janelle said…
You are missed in cyberspace. But I know what you are feeling. Hope you feel His quietness complete you.

Part of my favorite verse is Zephaniah 3:17

He will quiet you with His love...
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Sometimes a period of quiet is exactly what the heart needs.
Christin said…
Well said,Kate. May God refresh your spirit as well as your mind during this rest.
Heather C said…
It's easier to listen in the stillness and the quiet. We will be all the more blessed when you return with what He has given you. Just praying it doesn't take too long... ;-) Just kidding... take all the time you need. I admire your determination to wait on Him!
And you will.....sometimes we have to listen more closely than others, but you will hear it.
Christine said…
Been there done that...

I'll miss you and be back when you have your words again!
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you're learning a great lesson. For some of us that one is harder than others, and don't we know it! Look forward to hearing from you again...
joshua said…

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