I like Barbie movies becaus thay are relistik, Claire writes for a language arts lesson. I correct spelling and ask, "Realistic? Why?" "They do real things." "Yeah, like fly," says John. "Hush. I really want to know what Claire thinks. What about the love parts, Claire? Are the love parts realistic?" "Yeah. One saves the other and after he does the saving he gets to keep her." Hmm. And this, "Mary was about our John's age when she had Jesus? You can have babies when you are a teenager? Wow! I can't wait!" This from Faith who has her whole heart set on a house filled top to bottom with children...a mom waiting to happen. "Well," she plans, "when I'm about seventeen, I'm going to Wal-Mart to find a boy who is nice to people and if I like him, he'll be my husband and I can hurry up and be a mom." These are the children we are entrusted with. These we must shape into suitable life partners. ...