"Tim, stay out of the water. You are down to your last dry outfit."
"I'll just roll up my shorts. That'll keep 'em dry."
"Tim. Stop. I would like you to come up here on the sand."
"I'm fine, Mom. See? The water is only up to my ankles."
"Tim! Your backside is soaked!"
" Only a little. I'm mostly dry. I'm just in up to my knees."
"Wow! Look at this shell! I think I can get it."
M loves looking at your blog and seeing the kids - maybe a little too much as she only got 9 pgs. of Math done today and no other subjects!
I haven't visited you in so long - I thought you had hung it up. But strangely enough, I was thinking about you just the other day, and how kind you were to visit me once upon a time when my blog was brand new. You were a rock-star blogger to me. :)
I can't wait to catch up - I'm going to read a bit here before bed.
MUch love,