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Stuart came home from work on this cold, dry evening complaining of sore lips. "It feels like my WHOLE bottom lip is a cold sore. What do you think I should do?"

After a big glass of water and glob of lip balm he was back to normal but somehow that minor event led to this discussion around the dinner table.

"Doctor, there's something horribly wrong with my lip. What do you suggest?"

"I'll write you a prescription for Avegrasil. It was just approved by the FDA. Give it a try. If it doesn't work, come back in three weeks and I'll give you some more."

Directions for taking Avegrasil:
Do not take with food or on an empty stomach. Do not lick lips.

Side effects may include but are not limited to: blisters, leprosy and spontaneous human combustion.

The discussion ended when Faith toodled. She did not offer the customary, "Excuse me" but explained herself with, "I've been taking Avegrasil.

Chapped lips anyone? Try Avegrasil. It won't cure what ails you, but we'll make millions.


tammi said…
Haha, too funny! "leprosy or spontaneous human combustion" -- that's awesome! Your kids are quite witty!!
God's girl said…
ha ha! That is too funny. Sign me up I want some!
Much love,
ocean mommy said…
Spontaneous human combustion. You all crack me up! I think what is so funny to me is that I can see you all sitting there so serious while this whole exchange goes on, only to erupt into laughter....

I miss those kids so much!

Janelle said…
I love it! What a funny family story.
Heather C said…
Curious dinner conversation... I love it! :)

Faith said…
you have an adorable family!
Mary@notbefore7 said…

Hope the lip gets better.
That's great! I often wonder, when I see commercials for prescription drugs, if people aren't more talked out of buying them - what with all the horrible sounding things that may happen. Your hubby (and your kids) have a healthy dose of skepticism!
Sarah Markley said…
leprosy. wow. crazy! =) This story is too funny!
Nicole Brady said…
It's all about the wording, right? We bought my dad new golf balls for Christmas (Nike Juice) - only because the packaging was hilarious. They talked about how "a users enhanced distance...adversely affect the moods of playing partners" and "not available in chewable form". When I read your post, I had a Christmas flashback!
Kate said…
LOL That is funny...I like the way you think.

I had to do a final in an addictions psych class and did it on prescription drugs...a kind of...what you see that you are not really looking for, and hearing what the thoughts have silenced...It's definately funny (ha ha) in a funny (odd) sort of way.

Faith said…
Hey Kate, miss hearing from you. Hope you and the family are doing well!
LA Nickers said…
Ah, the wonders of modern medicine.


Alyson said…
Just a note to let you know I still check to see if you have updated.
I am learning so much about my chickens these days and will be getting more in the spring!!
I'm also reading John Holt's teach your own, and a wonderful Unschooling book.

I know I have never met you and only get a glimpse of your homeschooling journey, but I like the way you do things.

please keep posting!!!
Kate said…
Thanks Kate,

I do intend to get back to this blog. At the moment, we're busy with house projects. I'm not much for multi-tasking so the blog has gone by the wayside for a little bit.


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